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My Artful Journey

Creating has been a part of my life as far back as I can remember, and that would be at age four. I remember shaping mud-pies in the dirt, building dimensional houses out of bread bag ties, and drawing with crayola crayons. My first experience with Prang watercolors lit a passion for color in me that has never waned! I am a very tactile person with a great love of texture, bright, happy or stormy moody hues.My first "big project was a jungle mural on our basement wall at age 17. I used to sketch the"Breck girls" on back of magazines and learned about the face..I love sketching people. I took Art class all through Jr. & Sr. High School. Sadly, my teachcr was biased against my style and gave preference to what then was called  "Modern " art. The only piece of mine that she came close to approving was a circular weaving.This weakened my confidence and artistic pursuit fell to the wayside for many years.If only she had encouraged me, I would have gone to college for a B.A. in Art instead of Teaching! Moving to Mexico gave me an opportunity to study other cultures, then on to Honduras, Central America where I taught Middle School Art  classes.  I began painting once again in the colonial mountain village.

Upon returning to the States, I was given a teaching position that involved Art classes again.  I began to submit artwork to magazine challenges. I was published 6 times in

Cloth Paper Scissors. Commissioned work came my way and I began to regain confidence in my ability. My Mom and I have created two children's books, she the author, me the illustrator;.stromg drawing skills coupled with watercolor makes good illustration great fun!

I am currently working on a third children's book inbetween weaving pieces. Weaving reentered my life with a furry! I studied technique, practiced stitches and methods, and have developed my own style. Weaving affords me the tactile expression entwined with colorways.

Weaving's greatest appeal  to me is its versatility. It can be representative, as in traditional tapestries, or very subjective and even a bit whimsical in free form weaves. Warps  can be of natural fibers like cotton string, jute, or wool yarn.and  even branches, wire, metal or the conventional cotton string.I love that I can choose the size and shape of each weave to suit the theme or mood of the piece. The textures lend themselves to the imagination of the creator as they overlap and curve around each other telling their own story while creating a unified piece mirroring divine truths.
I want my tapestries & woven pieces  to reflect  the quiet voice of God speaking to the soul.

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